What's preventing you from attracting your ideal clients?
If you continue trying to attract anyone you can help, instead of being specific about your niche, you'll continue to be the best kept secret in your industry.
Know Your Niche
Finally get clear on your sweet spot in the market so that you're standing out as the obvious choice for the clients you really want to work with.
YES, I WANT TO KNOW MY NICHE NOW!Ready to stop wasting time throwing the net wide and catching everything except the fish you really want?
If you're a service-based businesses, attempting to market to everyone you can help likely has you scrambling to attract any clients, competing on price and frustrated about slow growth…

...while getting specific about your niche helps you stand out as the obvious choice so you attract the best clients who value your expertise and are willing to pay for it!

Worried that niching means less clients?
Totally understand. It makes sense... until you look a little deeper!
You already know you need a consistent stream of clients to sustain your business, right?
And, the online services space is becoming more crowded every week, with more people giving up their 9-5, starting up their consultancy or freelance business.
This means clients are becoming more selective.
Therefore, how do you expect to attract a consistent stream of quality clients if you don’t know how to define your niche ...
....so that you stand out as the obvious choice, the perfect fit for their needs?
The fact is...
If you don’t get specific, you’ll be lost in the crowd.
And that means you could be wasting hours scrolling Facebook groups searching for leads...
Or, resorting to price competition to win clients, then resenting your low income.
Or relying on referrals - which means you’re riding the feast and famine wave of uncertainty month to month.
Instead, you could be enjoying seeing your ‘ideal clients’ dropping into your inbox or DMs, even booking you directly from your website with NO SALES PITCH!
. . .
Most overlooked freelancers avoid getting specific on their niche because they worry it will reduce the number of clients attracted to them..
... yet their lack of specificity is exactly the reason WHY they’re not attracting them!

Here’s why:
Niche doesn’t mean small. It means 'specialisation'.
When you specialise, you create authority.
Authority creates reputation and reputation creates trust.
I'm sure you know that trust is essential for making sales!
Niche doesn’t equal less opportunity.
It equals MORE opportunity because you're seen as a trusted authority and the obvious choice for who you're trying to attract!
. . .
And if you don’t know your niche... then how do you hope to stand out as the obvious choice... so they PICK YOU?
It's kind of like publishing a book with a blank cover.
How does anyone pick it out from the shelves if they have no idea what’s inside?
(It's no good just being in the self-help section, you'll still be overlooked unless it's 100% clear who the book is for!)
"My business has exploded! I've grown revenue over 300% in less than 3 months."
"I was struggling trying to be everything for everyone and charging market rates. I didn't know that niching down was what was required for me to grow and reach the goals I had dreamt about. But I trusted the process and now I'm now working with my dream clients on projects that fulfil me, and I've made more than my entire last year's revenue in the first quarter of this year!"
Alexandra Lopez, Voice Strategist & Coach

"Never before has niching made more sense than the way you explained it!"
"Niching has been hard for me. I struggled with it for 3 years. I've faced those fears of 'excluding people' and 'missing out on clients'. Which meant marketing was hard and I relied on referrals. Now I'm clear on my specialisation and - I'm not afraid to share I work with high-achieving creatives anymore! That's who I work with, that's who I help excel. And together we create incredible results!"
Hannah Page, Presentation Coach

Just imagine how good it will feel when:
â You stand out from competitors and you become known as the ‘go-to’ person for what you do.
â You know exactly who your ideal client is, and how to reach them, which means you can be highly targeted with your marketing efforts and spend less time messing around with time-wasting tactics.
â You regularly have your ‘ideal client’ dropping into your inbox or DMs, requesting to learn more about how they can work with you, ready to sign up.
â You're perceived with authority so you can command your best rates and earn more in the time you have.
â Your clients are a dream to work with and you love every minute of your working day, rather than the drag of working with clients who don’t value you and cause more hassle than they’re worth.
Know Your NicheTM will help you do just that....
My unique approach to niche strategy has not ONE, not TWO, but THREE important ingredients to get you finding that sweet spot which is exactly right for you.
I call it the WHAT, the WHO and the WHY YOU!
(Clue: the WHY YOU is not about features in your service!)

You'll discover how to define your unique value that nobody else can copy.
Getting your niche right is the key to simple (and successful!) marketing.
Hi! I'm Jessica
I'm a strategic marketer, entrepreneur, affectionately known as 'the niche ninja' by my clients!
I specifically work with women running service-based businesses - coaches and consultants.
Over 25+ years I've led many marketing departments for local and global consultancies and created two online businesses of my own.
It’s hard for businesses of any size to get specific with their niche, but the ones that do tackle it – grow fast. I've experienced it first hand!
So – I’ve pulled this training directly from my coaching programs, where clients of mine have achieved profit growth of +500% after adopting a niche strategy and learning how to attract better clients.
They pay up to $15,000 to work with me on this in 1:1 coaching.
You can get it right now in this mini-course because I want to help as many of you as possible to achieve more this year than you thought possible!
Ready for this? Let’s do it!
Jessica xx
Before I tell you more,
let’s confirm exactly who this is for…
â You’re a consultant, coach or creative offering services, and..
â You want to attract a consistent stream of quality prospects dropping into your DMs or booking calls, without doing any sales outreach.
â You’re struggling to get specific about what you do, because you have a diverse range of talents and many potential customers.
â You want to be valued for your expertise so that you can charge your worth and grow your bottom line!
Sound like you? Great, let's continue…

Introducing ....
Know Your Niche!
The 3-step Niche Discovery process you'll wish you'd known about sooner!
Just imagine how good it'll feel when you're finally clear on your niche and you're standing out as an authority in your space - the one your ideal clients seek out to help them!
When you enrol, you're getting instant access to the proven program that helps you:
1. Clarify your most profitable specialisation, so that you're in the best space for your business.
2. Identify your unique value, so that you gain instant authority and stand out from the crowd.
3. Clarify who's your "best-fit" client, so you can position yourself so they pick you as the right one for them!
BONUS... the simple template for your detailed customer avatar that makes it easy to target your marketing activities and stop wasting time on things that don't work.
Start now and you could be clear on your niche before hitting the pillow tonight!
Usually $197 USD, enrol today for just $77!
(This offer is only available for a limited time.)
Lifetime Access + Mobile App
Super easy to access on your mobile or PC... plus with lifetime access you can come back and do it again, whenever you need to realign your niche…

Live + Recorded Workshops
You get access to previous live workshop recordings and all future live workshops so you can get even more clarity and support with real life examples.

Action-based Step by Step Process
Easy to follow and includes steps to implement so you can refine your niche and start seeing results sooner!
And, because I love to overdeliver... when you enrol you’ll also get:
Once you're clear on your niche you'll need to communicate it simply so your ideal clients can find you! Get simple messaging templates for your website, emails, social posts, ads and proposals so that your prospects are inspired to take action!
$147 FREE
Bring together your niche, UVP and your ideal customer into a succinct ‘elevator pitch’ that helps others understand your business immediately - use it on your business profiles, social media and intro posts!
$50 FREE
That's $197 of messaging mastery - now yours ABSOLUTELY FREE when you enrol!

Let's make this totally risk free!
I've used this method in my own business and with countless clients - I know it works. So I’m willing to back it 100%.
If you don’t get clear on your niche after completing Know Your Niche, I’ll refund you the full amount!
Clarity leads to action.... action creates results!

"I'm so much clearer on how to market my business!"
“Since refining my niche and choosing one thing to focus on, I'm so much clearer on how to market and brand my business. The perfect clients are showing up and I'm now paying myself a salary that feels abundant!
Sally Tudhope - Founder, Sally Tudhope Creative

"Getting clear on my niche has led to 170% increase in revenue!"
“I was struggling with my niche and relying on referrals. Now I'm clear on my niche, I've had the confidence to simplify my offering, increase profit AND reduced non-billable time. This has been an absolute gamechanger for me!”
Miranda Packer, Founder - WordBird Copywriting
Got Questions? I got answers!
How do I access the program?
What if I have more than one target customer?
Will this really work for me?
What's the guarantee / refund policy?
Here's the bottom line:
Look around you - there's no such thing as a premium Jill-of-all-trades.
While you continue to avoid being specific about your niche, you'll continue to operate down in the low-cost layer of your market, where the best clients are not hanging out.
My process helps you discover your sweet spot, aka get clear on your niche.
When you're clear on your niche, you'll experience just how easy it is to attract the BEST clients.