Business JAM by Jessica Osborn

The program for coaches and online professionals who want to create more freedom, fulfilment and flexibility in their life.

Ready to attract more Premium Clients so you're enjoying 6+ figure years in easy part-time hours?


Design the simple strategy that leverages your expertise so you’re signing high-paying clients and making a bigger impact - without compromising on your free time!


More flow, less fluster.
Let’s DO this!


The ONLY Program You Need To Have The Business That Supports Your Dream Life!

>> Position yourself in the right light so you stand out with authority and magnetically attract high-value people into your world.

>> Craft premium offers that your ideal clients can't resist so you take home more profit while enjoying MORE time for yourself and your family!

>> Generate a consistent flow of leads and sales without wasting your energy on hectic social media schedules or icky cold selling!

Why do so many smart people find it so hard to attract premium clients?

If you're like most of the talented professionals I've helped over the years, you’ve got no shortage of information at your fingertips but you're drowning in all the conflicting advice, leaving you second-guessing every decision - should I do THIS or THAT?

You're probably exhausted from spending so much time (and money!) trying to implement all the "must-do" tactics from various experts and still not easily attracting high-paying clients.

Maybe you've been trapped in the feast-famine cycle, uncertain of the next month, resorting to undercharging just to get a client on the books.

And, when you're trying to be that 'right fit' for everyone, it's making you terrified of niching because it feels like missing out on potential opportunities.

Sound familiar?

Don’t worry, it's simply a sign that your strategy isn't aligned for premium clients! 

And it’s an easy fix when you know how. 


The easiest way to multi 6-figure years in part-time hours is with a high-ticket strategy.

Just look around: pretty much every highly successful coach or professional has this in common - they’re known for their expertise and have a consistent flow of clients lining up for their "premium" services.

And you also know there’s many others who are equally talented, that struggle to have consistent months, even though they work way more hours - right? 

So here’s the question: how do you expect to have a high-income part-time business if you’re not attracting premium clients? 

It’s almost impossible!

Low cost services require high volumes of sales, and that takes much more effort!

How much harder are you making it to reach your income goals - without even realising it?

Breathe.... ready to have everything feel SO much easier?

In Business JAM you'll swap spinning wheels, confusion and comparison-itus for a sweeter spread!


Just imagine how amazing it'll feel when:

>> You click open your calendar to see lots of space and clients that excite you... while your marketing machine ticks along in the background bringing in more quality leads. 

>> You confidently say your price on discovery calls, knowing your simple high-value offering makes it an easy ‘YES!’ with no pushy sales tactics in sight.

>> You can show your kids you mean it when you say family time is a priority, closing your laptop early and easily reaching those income goals in part-time hours you choose.

“My confidence factor has increased by about 150% now I have clarity, not just splashing around in muddy water” - Ruth Morgan


It doesn't take long to achieve big changes, when you know what to focus on...

Which of these results inspire you the most?

"My average project value has increased by 825% in 8 weeks!"

Everything has changed since I did Business JAM. My perspective, my energy, my focus, my clarity, my purpose.

I was overwhelmed, lost. Knowing I needed to niche, but having zero clue how to go about it. 

It gave me the confidence and clarity to niche down and simplify my offer so I could reduce non-billable time and eliminate overwhelm. 

It’s easily the best business decision I’ve ever made – and the best investment!

Miranda Packer - Wordbird Copywriting & Business Coach

"I grew revenue by 300% and smashed my annual income target in JUST 90 DAYS!"

Before Business JAM, my lack of clarity meant I wasted so much time, and I was terrified of niching.

I learned how to create an aligned business model with one main focus for marketing. I’m clear on exactly who my ideal client is, and what I do for them.

My business has exploded this year - working just 10 hours a week - and I'm now at a level I never thought possible!

And I’ve achieved all this without sacrificing time with my young daughters.

Alexandra Lopez - Voice Artist & Coach

"I increased prices 33% and now pay myself a salary that feels abundant!"

Business JAM has transformed my business! Previously I was too dependent on referrals, not generating my own clients, and afraid to raise my prices.

Before joining, I had doubts. Just because it’s worked for others, doesn’t mean it will work for me. I was wrong! I’ve now got a constant flow of revenue, and knowing exactly who my ideal client is means my messaging is better, and so she comes to me. 

I feel clear, purposeful and have so much more space in my day to work on things that matter, like creating extraordinary websites for extraordinary women.

Sally Tudhope - Sally Tudhope Creative

"I'm on track to quadruple my income compared to last year!"

I have double as many active clients now as I did before I worked with you (and a steady stream of leads).

I knew something was missing because I wasn’t getting the traction I wanted on my own. I didn’t realize just how lost I was until I enrolled with Jessica and Business JAM! Since then, my copywriting business has gone from boring to soaring! 😍

She has helped me finally define my niche (a task that I thought was impossible)! This was such a pivotal piece to my business, and literally changed everything (for the better!). Now that my niche is defined, everything I do actually gets results instead of making me feel like I’m spinning my wheels.

Molly Frank - Founder of Frankly Fabulous Copy

Business JAM program by Jessica Osborn screenshots

Introducing Business JAM!

It’s not a new spread, it’s Just Authentic Marketing! 

Business JAM is the ONLY program for online coaches, professionals and consultants that shows you how to position yourself for premium clients, sell high-ticket services and be exceeding your income goals within the hours YOU want to work!


How does Business JAM work? Let’s take a closer look…

1. Strategic Blueprint For Lifestyle First Business


You're getting 24/7 access to the exact strategic framework showing you how to align the ingredients of your strategy to attract premium clients to high-ticket services. 

No cookie-cutters here. This framework is designed to work for YOUR unique situation and help you make the decisions to create your ideal business!

Rapid results can happen with simple strategic shifts - many have achieved 500% growth in just 3 months!

(BTW.... it’s the exact same framework I use with my 1:1 clients, who pay up to $15,000 to work with me!)

2. Coaching Support


Have you ever bought a course or program where you’re one of thousands and there’s no real support or connection with the coach?

Leaving you to navigate it all alone, feeling lost and unsure if you’ve really nailed it...?

Then you'll love the personal connections here. 

As soon as you join Business JAM you're placed into my intimate coaching group for 3 WHOLE months so you can access live coaching sessions with me while you're implementing the program. (You can continue with the coaching as long as you wish afterwards.)

Plus, you'll have ongoing online support via our private Business JAM community.  Got a question? I’ll answer it. Need feedback? Sure thing!

3. Your BJAM Family


It’s lonely being at the helm of your own business. Partners and mates rarely understand what you’re going through. Your dog might pretend to be interested, but really, they can’t offer much advice! 

When you join Business JAM, you join for life, and become part of our extraordinary community of supporters, challengers and cheerleaders - a supportive bunch of like-minded go-getters who understand you, cheering you on every step of the way.

You'll find that most come for the content and coaching, and stay for the community! That's why some of our members are still here after 3 years! 

"I LOVE the community of like-minded people coming together and genuinely being a cheer squad for each other!"

Alexandra Lopez

Is Business JAM right for me?

Great question! It's not for everyone. But if these sound like you, Business JAM will be a game-changer.

You’re a professional or creative who provides done-for you services or coaching.


✓ You're stuck at an income level way below where you want to be even though you work really hard.


 You know you can deliver life-changing results for your clients, you're just struggling to attract committed, high-paying clients.


 You're wanting to swap chasing clients to attracting clients because you're already spending waaaay too much of your week working and you want to claim your life back!


 You’re done with staying busy doing all the hot-air tactics and ready to get some real shifts in your results through a smarter approach to your strategy. 


 You’re ready for your business to explode? (actual words from a Business Jammer!)


It’s NOT for you, if:


✘ You’re a note-taker, not an action-taker, and you dabble here and there without committing.

✘ You’ve got a bricks and mortar, retail, or e-commerce product business. (I'm not your best coach!

✘ You’re in any type of MLM / network marketing business. 

✘ You’re the sort of person who wants a magic pill overnight solution and you tend to give up whenever something feels hard.

Alexandra specialised and developed a high-ticket offering. She's now working with dream clients on projects she LOVES, all in just 10 hours a week!

"I grew revenue by 300% in just 90 days - I've already smashed my entire year's revenue target and there's 9 months still to go!"

I asked her what she'd say to someone considering Business JAM... here's what she says:


Hi, I’m Jessica!

I’m a business strategist, mum of 2, podcaster, and author who loves travel, wine, coffee, and chocolate!

I spent 20 years building a successful marketing career, leading teams to create multi-billion dollar businesses and brands before finally following my dream of working for myself.

Even with all that behind me, I made plenty of rookie mistakes. Working with clients who were not a good fit. Overcomplicating my offerings, undercharging… you name it, I probably did it!

I was way, way off my income goals and working longer hours than I wanted - missing precious time with my little ones.

Then I got serious about my strategy. Being super specific about who I really wanted to work with, and aligned my services and marketing to attract them while fitting my lifestyle goals too.

Everything became SO much easier! I attracted premium clients and I then helped them achieve their business-life balance with really outstanding results in a short time.

My own business growth took off, and so did theirs!

Business JAM is NOT a fad or a cookie-cutter method. It's a time-tested process to align YOUR strategy to attract premium clients and earn more in less time!

My private clients pay up to $15,000 to work with me using the exact same strategic framework, today you can start for as little as $870!

Jessica xxx


"My average project value increased by 825% in just 8 weeks!"

"Joining Business JAM has been a game changer. I gained the confidence and clarity to define my specialisation in a niche that I'm fiery about, increase my prices, and simplify my offering, while reducing my non-billable time!"

"It’s easily the best decision I’ve ever made; and the best investment!"


Miranda Packer, 
WordBird Copywriting

Let’s dive into the core content you’re getting inside Business JAM!

Most people think of marketing strategy as one GIANT thing. But it’s actually a combination of 5 simple strategic ingredients. 

Business JAM shows you how to connect these 5 ingredients, and align them so they’re working in sync to bring you premium clients, and create a wildly profitable business within the hours you want to work.

(If you don't align them, attracting clients is hard and marketing continues to be scattered and ineffective.)


Your Sweet Spot In The Market Where You Have Clear Authority

This one is the critical first ingredient of your entire strategy and the one that determines the success of the rest!

>> Define your expertise clearly for others to understand so that you’re recognised for the value you bring and seen with authority in your space

>> Profile your dream client, so that you can attract more of them and less of the ones that you find uninspiring

>> Uncover WHY YOU - your unique difference - so that you stand out as the obvious choice for the right clients.

"Knowing exactly who my ideal client is means my messaging is better, and so she comes to me. I’ve now got a constant flow of revenue, I can re-invest back into the business and I'm paying myself a salary that feels abundant!"

- Sally Tudhope


Services That Are Easy to Sell, Extremely Profitable and Increase Retention

Next, make your services irresistible to the right clients - so they line up to work with you!

>> Develop premium services that fit with your work-life balance so that you’re working the hours you want while hitting revenue goals

>> Learn how to position your offers so it's an instant YES for premium clients! 

>> Align your services in a simple customer journey so you can retain clients for the long term, earn more per client, and spend less time marketing!

"Now I'm clear on who I can provide my best value to, I've changed the way I offer my services. Which has resulted in my average per-client revenue increasing by 462% and I'm making minimum $25k months!" 

- Louise Spinks 


Your Magnetic Brand That Attracts The Right Clients

Let's take your brand and messaging to the next level and deeply connect with your ideal clients!

>> Be an authentic brand that’s impactful and engaging so that you make strong connections with your dream clients, and reel them in!

>> Use simple, powerful messaging that boosts their desire to work with you while addressing their objections, so sales become effortless!

>> Get clear on how to tell your story so that you build a solid reputation with authority in your space.

"Before Business JAM, I didn't know how to communicate so people understood how I can help them. I now know how to communicate my expertise so I’m attracting DREAM clients. With Business JAM, it gets to be that easy!"

- Zia Nix


Your Connected Traffic Drivers That Turn Strangers Into Quality Clients

Align your marketing activities into a journey so you have a consistent flow of quality leads.

 >> Discover how to use PR, social media, ads, SEO, email marketing, events, podcasts and more so you can choose the best way to connect with your audience that suits you and your business

>> Align your chosen activities into a simple customer journey - so you’ve got a flow of leads coming in each week

>> Set your marketing targets and track your results so you’re clear on what’s working, what’s not and where your gaps are

"Business JAM showed me how to develop a clear plan where every marketing activity has a specific purpose. This meant I stopped wasting time doing things that don’t work for MY business. Clarity and purpose buys me time, and when you have a young son, time is everything!"

- Claudia Harley


Simple Sales Process That Gets Your Clients Booked And Paid!

Imagine how great it’ll feel when you're waking up to payment notifications because a client just signed up!  

>> Create a simple sales process that’s suited to your business model and helps your prospects purchase quickly and easily.

>> Discover how to confidently run sales calls, talk about your offer without feeling awkward.

>> Turn your online presence into a 24/7 sales machine, so that you’re making sales on demand, while you’re elsewhere!

"I'm on track to quadruple my income compared to last year! I have double as many active clients now as I did before I worked with you (and a steady stream of leads that will likely lead to more)!"

- Molly Frank

And.. here's some extra JAM!


Recurring & Repeat Clients

Create processes that support returning and recurring clients, to add easy revenue without marketing efforts!

Automation & Customer Experience

Use automation, streamlining and technology to reduce your non-billable time AND create an incredible experience for your clients that they won't stop raving about!

 Tech tools, Templates, Demos & More

Take the thinking out of it with recommended tech set-ups, quick how-to demos, and pre-crafted templates!

And... that's not all!

Check out these incredible BONUS extras, included absolutely FREE when you enrol today!

5 x LIVE Training & Coaching Sessions With Me!

>> Total Value $1700!

Your Notable Niche!

Discover the best way to combine your strengths and skills into a powerful unique niche that instantly sets you apart from the generic same-same standard players in your space so that you can attract your absolute dream clients every time.

Crafting Winning Offers

Identify where you can optimise your service stack to create a winning service model where you’re maximising profit in less time. Then discover how to make your offers irresistible, so they’re an easy YES for the dream clients you most wish to work with.

Becoming a Magnetic Authority

Get the exact steps on how to be seen with authority and be absolutely authentic in your brand and messaging so that your magnetic energy is dialed up to 100% and your dream clients cannot help but be attracted to you!

Your Simple Marketing and Sales Flow

How to make business feel super easy: spending less time on marketing and sales, while you grow your client numbers! You’ll discover the non-hustle, no-sleaze way to grow your audience and turn them into leads and clients!

Success Plan for the Next 12 Months

Discover how to formulate your annual strategic marketing plan unique to your business to ensure your success for the next 12 months, so that you can finally have a fulfilling high-income business in part time hours!

 "Less Work, More Life" BONUS Bundle

So that you can spend LESS time working on your business and have it working for you while you sleep!

Irresistible Lead Magnet Mini-Course

Value: $397


You'll be guided to create the perfect LEAD magnet, that adds real prospects to your email list, and into your sales system on autopilot!

Website Conversion Masterclass

Value: $247


Get the secrets to a high converting website, with messaging, layout, user journeys and design to improve your conversions.

Business Automation Masterclass

Value: $247


Discover the key to delivering a personalised experience using your technology! Automate your marketing, sales and customer comms!

BONUS Bundle TOTAL Value: $891

What If One Of These Were You?

"Business JAM has been a huge turning point for my business. I am now attracting better quality clients and last year my profit grew by 270%!"

I wanted to create a business with the flexibility to work from home that also allowed me to manage my young family.

Thanks to Business JAM, I now have an awesome niche and can picture my ideal clients, which makes my messaging so much easier and I save so much time!

My biggest takeaway is just realizing my own value in what I have to offer, but also that I can charge for that. I increased my prices by 70% and I am now attracting better quality clients and making more profit! 

Sam Elliot
Visual Brand Creative

"I was averaging $10-15k months and now it's far closer to $25k minimum months!"

Before, I was charging as if everyone was a best friend and not an actual client for a business.

Now I'm clear on who I can provide my best value to and I've changed the way I offer my services. Which means my average per-client revenue has increased by 462%!

I'm now jam-packed to the rafters (in a great way!) at a price point that clients respect more and resultantly, I do too! It's waaaaaayyyy more scalable and I've got a pipeline of really well suited folks!

Investing in this program, above all else - was a step into accountability, a step into playing bigger!

Louise Spinks
Career Strategist and Leadership Coach

"I now know how to position myself so I’m attracting DREAM clients”

Before Business JAM, everything in my business felt hard. After not gaining any traction online I decided to get some support, and I’m so glad I did! Defining my niche was a Game Changer.

Designing a focused marketing strategy, so I didn’t have to burn myself out on social media, took my business to the next level.

Having an aligned strategy has saved me so much time and energy, and I now know how to position myself so I’m attracting DREAM clients. With Business JAM, it gets to be that easy!

Zia Nix
Holistic Wellness & Embodiment Coach

"Now I fully understand who my ideal client is and I find it easy to attract her, which has made business much more fun and rewarding!"

Business JAM helped me set up my business from ground zero – it’s packed with everything you need to get clear on your strategy and marketing.
 I’m still referring to it many months later!

Jess helped me hone my niche and shine a spotlight on the unique skills I had, that I could bring into my work. After that my business grew and grew!

Lisa Twohig
The Lighthearted Visibility Coach

Enrol in


When you enrol, you're getting:

  Core content: Strategic Framework to attract and retain ideal clients
 on premium services! VALUE $3500

✓  Extra JAM content on automation and technology to streamline your marketing and reduce your unbillable time! VALUE $1100

  3 Months' access to Accelerator coaching group. VALUE $2220

✓  Daily support, motivation and peer connection in our friendly members-only community. VALUE $3650

✓  Templates, planners & tech demos - Hours of your time – saved! VALUE $1200

✓  LIFETIME access to online content, members' community & ALL future updates! Seriously, priceless!


+ These Amazing FREE Bonuses: 

+ 5 x LIVE training & coaching calls with Jessica (Value $1700)

+ Less Work More Life Masterclasses (Value $891) 



Ready To Start?



ONLY 3 Monthly Installments of

$870 USD



SAVE $210 when you pay in FULL today!

$2400 USD


Hey Aussies! 

our local currency: monthly or pay in full.

Still not sure? I get it – you want to make sure you’ve invested in something that will actually help you grow your business.

I'm completely confident in this strategic framework, and the outstanding results from so many past clients prove that it works for different businesses at all levels!

Here's your 'sleep easy at night' safety net

You’ve got 365 days from when you enrol to go the whole way through Business JAM and implement your strategy. If you haven’t been able to attract better clients, grow your revenue while working less hours simply email my team with your results and I’ll refund you 100%. Guaranteed!

Now, you might be sitting there thinking "this all looks great BUT I don't have much time, will it work for me?"

What if the real reason you don’t have enough time is because you're currently making it harder than it needs to be, with scattered, disjointed marketing? 

Knowing that you're already busy, I designed Business JAM for people just like you and I: juggling the demands of kids, family, business and maybe even a job on the side!

You’re probably a super-mum but you don’t need to be superhuman to succeed in this program. 

You get active coaching support anytime you need it - you've got everything you need to see progress even if you've got just 1 hour to spare a week.

With LIFETIME access to Business JAM, you don’t have to worry about it expiring, you can come back and do any of it again whenever you need a refresh!

So, the real question is - do you have TIME to continue at the rate you've been going? Or would you rather reach your next milestone THIS year, and with less effort?

Less stress, more action. 

Let’s do it together! xx

Yes, it really works! Here's a few more words from our alumni...


“Business JAM is the best investment I made in 2020!”


Jess taught me how to create packages that deliver what my ideal clients want, as well as develop a clear plan where every marketing activity has a specific purpose.

This meant I stopped wasting time doing things that don’t work for MY business.

With changes I made to my service offering, I paid off my investment in two months, making my new business instantly profitable!

Claudia Harley, Founder – Bookkeeping for Wealth


“I needed to get out of the weeds of ‘doing’ in my business and start thinking more strategically.”


A big highlight for me was the coaching group. Being new to entrepreneurship I really struggled with the solo element after years in corporate teams.

It was amazing to connect with an incredible group of supportive and inspiring women every week who shared, listened, empathised and cheered for one other.

Tanya Siggins, Founder – Zest Boutique Coaching & Consulting


“I have clarity on my pricing and processes in place to keep my business growth on track


Marketing was something I really wanted to focus on in 2020, and Jess has put together an AMAZING course full of information, in logical steps to ensure it’s bite-sized and actionable, week by week…

As a result of Business JAM, I have been able to develop my business growth plan, refine my ideal customer and refine my messaging to attract my ideal customer – and it’s working!

Jo-Anne Clifford, Founder – Wild Fox Creative


"I signed my first 4-figure client!"


Business JAM is just what I needed for this part of my business journey.

I am now clear on who I serve,  how I want to deliver my services and how I can make it work around my family commitments.

One of the best things I learned was not to base my price on my competitors, but to focus on my own value and build packages to suit the clients I want to work with.

 It’s been a game-changer!

Georgina Chai - Flourish Career Services

Got Questions? I’ve got answers!

Decision time! 

The fact you're still here reading, means that you at least part of you knows you could make a significant change to your business results with some changes to your strategy, that it's absolutely possible for you.

Maybe you don't feel ready, however you've probably done many things in life where you weren't 100% ready first - right?  Taking action gives you confidence, not the other way round.

Maybe the investment feels a lot right now... what if you could make it back with JUST ONE SALE? Most of my BJAMMERS pay it off before they even get half way through the program!

Now you've got a choice to make!

You've seen what's possible, and heard from others who've had success before you. You know it works. 

So, the question is.....

Will YOU be the type who waits around in hope that it will get better, wondering if you’re doing enough and still getting the same results in 6 months or even 1 year from now

Or, are you the type who lifts the weight off your shoulders by taking action to change your results... 

...and in 90 days be the one celebrating huge growth with a fulfilling, flexible business that works for YOU?

Designed to help you Accelerate your results!

When you join, you're instantly immersed in our intimate Accelerator coaching group - for three whole months!

With 3 live calls each month, Review My Work passes, and a private community chat, you'll never feel more supported!

My members continue to tell me how much they value the connection and input from their peers, the extra inspiration and motivation they gain by the collective energy

You’re getting those external eyes to uncover your blind spots, help you align your strategy, and shift whatever's been holding you back - which is why it's called Accelerator!

Probably the biggest highlight for me was the coaching group.

I really struggled with the solo element of entrepreneurship after years in corporate teams. 

It was amazing to connect with an incredible group of supportive and inspiring women who shared, listened, empathised and cheered for one another. 

Many of us have connected and continue to help each other to succeed however we can.

Tanya Siggins
Director, Zest HR

I made the biggest breakthroughs in the group calls - it's like therapy for my business!

Business JAM has been a huge turning point for my business. I'm now attracting better quality clients and my profit has grown by 270%!

It's the Coaching Group that really holds the most impact for me. Having the calls really puts you at ease and draws out information that you didn't even realize was there!

And you're in a supportive group atmosphere, pushing past boundaries and thinking from different perspectives. 

Sam Elliott
Founder Sam Elliott Design


"If I had Business JAM 6 years ago, I’d be in a completely different place right now…

Not making all those mistakes. Not having sleepless nights, with all the questions and tears and considering throwing in the towel!

The supportive community inside Business JAM has been invaluable. What you give, you get back 10-fold!"

Belinda Owen, Founder - Belinda Owen Web Designs

Enrol in


When you enrol, you're getting:

  Core content: Strategic Framework to attract and retain ideal clients
 on premium services! VALUE $3500

✓  Extra JAM content on automation and technology to streamline your marketing and reduce your unbillable time! VALUE $1100

  3 Months' access to Accelerator coaching group. VALUE $2220

✓  Daily support, motivation and peer connection in our friendly members-only community. VALUE $3650

✓  Templates, planners & tech demos - Hours of your time – saved! VALUE $1200

✓  LIFETIME access to online content, members' community & ALL future updates! Seriously, priceless!


+ These Amazing FREE Bonuses: 

+ 5 x LIVE training & coaching calls with Jessica (Value $1700)

+ Less Work More Life Masterclasses (Value $891) 



Ready To Start?



ONLY 3 Monthly Installments of

$870 USD



SAVE $210 when you pay in FULL today!

$2400 USD


Hey Aussies! 

our local currency: monthly or pay in full.

Still on the fence?

Ouch! Don't get stuck there! Let's have a quick chat so you can ask me any questions you like. No sales pitches here - if you’re not the right fit for Business JAM, I’ll tell you straight up.

Book a call