If you’re here because you have a vision for your business but feel like you’re stuck in first gear and pushing harder on the accelerator isn’t getting you results - then you’re in the right place!
My mission is to help you identify the BEST model for your offers and the simplest structure for your marketing - so you have a business that suits your ideal lifestyle and grows your income in less time.
We all know that business isn’t easy - otherwise everyone would be smashing it, right?!
But nowhere is it written that you have to burn yourself to the ground in order to succeed.Â
Or that you only get the freedom and lifestyle after you’ve reached a certain (imaginary) milestone.
It’s simply not true! There’s 7 figure owners who are working themselves to the bone, and others who have just made it into the 6’s who're living the dream!Â
What if you COULD be living your ideal lifestyle WHILE you’re building your success?
Yes, it's absolutely possible! It starts with a simple decision.
I've experienced the slow-growing grind, and the fast-growing flow - and discovered that the only difference is in how you’ve structured your offers (and therefore your marketing!).
Wouldn't it be awesome to hear more stories of self-made millionaires who did it via simplicity, ease and flow - not hard hustle, burnout and compromise? Yes, I think so!

Why are you here, really?
You know that moment, when you feel a shift in your soul and suddenly see that life is about so much more than professional success?
 …and if you don’t take charge of yours, then you’ll end up with so many regrets for the important moments you MISSED while you had your head down working?
For me it was when I was 38 years old, 8 months pregnant with baby #2 and working a full time job as Head of Marketing.
I suddenly saw where I was headed if I remained in my corporate job… and it didn’t match my idea of a dream life AT ALL!
I wanted FREEDOM to live by the beach, to pick my kids up from school each day and hang out or take them to sports.
I wanted to travel without needing approval.
And I felt the drive to use my experience to make a real positive impact in the world, rather than just making shareholders happy!Â
Why can’t we be Successful and have Freedom at the same time?Â
Determined to create a life I loved every day while running my dream 'lean and profitable' business, I challenged myself to build it during maternity leave and never go back to the corporate jungle!
Stuck in first gear...
You’d think that, after 20 years in marketing AND 8 years running another online business on the side of my full time job, it would be easy to get to my first milestone of replacing my corporate salary - right?!Â
But at the one year mark I found myself working long hours, compromising on my time with my babies, compromising my own health and well-being… and still MILES away from reaching 6-figures a year.
The math just didn't add up!
I figured the problem was my 1:1 model restricting my earning ability.Â
So I did what most do, and tried to scale with courses, memberships, workshops.
Poured my heart and soul into creating these programs, launching them and making some sales.

But after all that effort...
Another year went by and I had MORE clients - but my revenue was STILL stuck at the same level and I’d hired people to help me deliver so my profit (aka my income) was LOWER than before!Â
Not prepared to admit defeat and go back to a job, I needed a different approach. But what?
It wasn’t instantly obvious, then after a LOT of reflection, I realised that I hadn’t been valuing my expertise very highly.Â
So of course, I’d priced low, tried to be liked by everyone and ... attracted uncommitted, flaky types who didn't value it either. Yikes.
Looking back, I could see that my perception of my value had been damaged by the machoistic culture I’d endured for so many years.Â
And - how many other women like me were out there - trying to build a profitable business without properly valuing their expertise or knowing how to communicate it?

Making Impact and Income…
Suddenly I knew what to do.Â
Stepping up to own my Expertise and create authority - a reason for my ideal clients to seek me out.Â
I got to work designing my offers for the exact type of high-quality client I wished to serve, and then putting them out there with really simple marketing.
No complicated funnels or sales tactics. No ads.
No fancy messaging frameworks (just my own words, but used in a much deeper, more personal way).Â
The clients started to roll in!Â
I was teaching THEM the same process and seeing incredible results: 500% profit growth in under 3 months became a common theme!Â
The impact I was helping create for my clients was so fulfilling! I’d never felt so inspired and happy.Â
That small shift in alignment of my offers made a dramatic leap in my results.Â
I reached the 6 figure per year business doing LESS, because was no longer wasting time on people or activities that didn’t align with my goals.
Teaching others the easier way…
That was back in 2019. Since then, through my various programs and groups I’ve coached hundreds of women on how to find their expert zone, so they can be known for what they do, and create profitable high-value offers that are a win-win for them and their clients.Â
Tying it together with simple messaging and a streamlined process for attracting your ideal clients so you don't need a big team or intensive social media schedules.
It’s not hard, once you know how!
And that’s what I’m here to help you with.Â
I developed a really simple 4 stage process to successfully selling your premium (and non-premium) offers which can be applied at ANY stage of your business to get you out of first gear and into 5th, zooming off towards your destination.Â
Own It > Design It > Communicate It > Sell It.
Whether you choose to work with me 1:1 with private coaching, or jump into my popular self-paced program with ongoing support, Business JAM, you’ll be surprised just how fast you can go when you’ve got this aligned.Â
TLDR? Here's a quick snapshot:
- Mum of 2 active kids
- Host of top 5% ranked podcast for female entrepreneurs She’s The Business Podcast
- Co-author of The Art of Self Care (self-worth chapter)
- Bachelors Degree in Business, Marketing & Psychology from Monash University
- 20 years working in marketing up to Head Of Marketing for top 100 listed firm
- 1st online business started in 2010, sold in 2018
- Coaching business started in 2017
- Coaching/ mentoring others on marketing strategy since 2007
- Founder of Business JAM program, since 2020
You may have seen me in...
What my clients say...

"My average project value has increased by 825% in just 8 weeks!"
Everything has changed since I did Business JAM. My perspective, my energy, my focus, my clarity, my purpose.
I was overwhelmed, lost. Knowing I needed to niche, but having zero clue how to go about it.Â
It gave me the confidence and clarity to niche down and simplify my offer so I could reduce non-billable time and eliminate overwhelm.Â
It’s easily the best business decision I’ve ever made – and the best investment!
Miranda Packer

"Jessica gave us the discipline and support we needed as business owners to really launch Get Your Future Together."
In the space of 3-4 months Jessica really turned our business around. It wasn't that we didn't have something valuable to offer, but we were missing the business processes, simplicity and clarity of language to engage the people who really needed what we have to offer.
Within 6 months we were fully booked and paying ourselves decent salary from our 500% increase in revenue.
Catherine Phan

" I feel a lot more confident, knowing I've got Jess on my side, helping me to be successful in achieving my goals!"
Before I started coaching with Jess, I was completely lost. I knew what I wanted to achieve but I didn't have a clue on how I was going to get there. I didn't have a clear strategy. Jess has helped me develop my strategy and provided an amazing amount of knowledge, support, hand holding and honest feedback; as well as contributing further ideas. This is not like any other coaching I've done previously, certainly a cut above the rest, in my opinion.
Emma Barrington
Love a good podcast? Tune in for weekly business & personal growth episodes designed to help you succeed…
I’m taking my best business advice to the podcasting world... listen to She's The Business Podcast each week to hear inspiring stories and expert advice on everything you need to succeed as a modern-day business owner!
Click below to listen on Spotify or Apple.
You're still here reading... So are you feeling ready to transform YOUR business?
Whether you want to learn at your own pace, get into the collective energy of growth in a group, or strategise your next level business in a private setting… I’ve got you covered!