157 - How We Can Shift From Surviving To Thriving And Find Ultimate Fulfilment in Life - With Alison Dougall

Season #1

How often do you feel like you're thriving in life?

Or is more like existing?

Or barely surviving?

What if you could lift yourself up into your thriving zone and be experiencing it more often?

That's what we're talking about today with psychologist turned coach, Alison Dougall.

She supports women in and around their 50s who are fed up with living into their default future to get clear on their dream future and put it into action so they experience more joy out of life.

Alison noticed that many women start feeling like they're living in limbo-land where they're not young, yet not old and have very little in the way of positive role models to inspire their life.

She's helping them navigate this gap and turn their middle years into the best ones yet!

Listen in to learn:

  • why your life may look good on paper and still feel unfulfilling

  • what's commonly holding you back from being in your thriving zone

  • how to realign your future so you start living the best years of your life


About our guest:

Alison is a 50-something psychologist turned coach.

Sheā€™s also a Mindfulness Teacher, a Registered Nurse, a carer for elder folk, and Aunty, and a besotted Cat-Mum.

Sheā€™s passionate about supporting women in and around their 50s to confidently step into the best years of their life.

And sheā€™s unapologetic in her opinion that at this stage of life women have the most wisdom, experience and inner-resources to create a better future than ever before.

The extensive potential for these years are as-yet unexplored territory.


Connect with Alison:

Website: www.alisondougall.com

Facebook Page: @alisondougallcoaching


Freebie: 4 Powerful Questions To Create the Blueprint for the Best Years of Your Life. So that you can step off the treadmill and find confident direction, without woo-woo or pop-psychology, and without giving up the care for people you love most.



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