118 - 5 Counter-Intuitive Rules For Success In Online Business

Season #1

How often do you rely on logic to make decisions?

Most of the time - right?

That's what we've trained our brains for since we were little...

BUT what would seem to be logical, to make 'sense' is SOMETIMES not true at all!

And I especially notice this in business, with decisions regarding strategy for marketing and growth.

What SEEMS like the 'best bet' is often what's stopping you from achieving the potential you KNOW is there!

In today's episode, I share 5 proven rules for wildly successful growth in business that are completely Counter-Intuitive!

These rules will have your subconscious brain shaking with fear and crawling up the walls as it screams "NO, don't do it!"

But these are proven to be true, not just by me, but by many of the big success stories you see out there.

Why aren't they common knowledge?

Because most people are too afraid to try them.

And don't want to believe them to be true either!

(What are you waiting for? Hit play and start listening to find out what they are!)

Have you discovered another counter-intuitive 'rule' for success that I didn't include?

Let me know!

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