037 - The Essential Skill We Need To Develop If We Want To Be Memorable - With Hannah Michelotti

Season #1

Think back to school…remember when you had to stand up and give a speech? Easy. Right?

I still have horrors even thinking about it! If you’re like most of us, you’ve had no formal training in presenting to an audience, yet in our jobs and business, we’ve GOT to be an engaging presenter to get the buy-in from our audience we need to succeed! 

So if presenting is something you know you could be better at, you’re going to learn so much from today’s podcast guest, Hannah Michelotti.

Hannah is a public speaking coach, and she teaches business owners to deliver impactful, engaging and memorable presentations. 

Most people think the key to giving an excellent presentation is having a fancy slide deck and learning how to stand and hold yourself correctly in front of an audience. 

However you’re going to learn today, it’s not about that. It’s about something else altogether.  Tune in as Hannah shares her insights on why this is the one essential skill that can help your business or career leapfrog in 2022. 

Also, it’s probably one of the easiest things you can work on to help yourself grow this year!

Follow Hannah at:

Website - https://articulatewithhannah.com

Instagram - @articulatewithhannah


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