How to write emails so you get the response you want ā€“ 7 tips for every day use customer experience email marketing marketing Sep 20, 2018

Whenever you write an email to a client, or a prospect, you’re investing your precious resource (time) into that email. 


And they are investing their precious resource to read it.

Which means that you want to be writing effective emails that get the desired...

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How to create an amazing brand experience that your customers will love to talk about brand strategy customer experience marketing Jun 12, 2018

Small business owners, here’s your new game-changer: Brand experience.

Before I tell you how to get ahead of the pack and compete with much larger companies through brand experience, let me backtrack a bit and tell you why it’s so important.

In 2018,...

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Facebook Ads 101: What is your Relevance Score and why does it matter? advertising customer experience facebook marketing social media Apr 05, 2018

Like it or hate it, if your audience is online, they are probably on Facebook.

And let’s face it, pretty much everyone is on Facebook these days, even my 95 year old grandfather had an account to keep in touch with his growing family.

Because your audience is on Facebook, it’s a great...

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Why You Need to STOP Expanding Your Services to Grow Your Business business strategy customer experience marketing Mar 16, 2018

If you’re in a service based business it’s so tempting to promote a broad array of services to try and win more customers and sell more to them.

I understand the logic – more services means broader market scope which means bigger target market and should mean more...

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Brand experience: The success strategy of todayā€™s high growth companies brand strategy business strategy customer experience marketing Feb 25, 2018

You’ve probably heard of customer experience. There is a growing trend among ambitious businesses to make sure their customer experience is first class.

It makes up a HUGE part of your brand experience, but brand experience is a broader whole-of-business strategy that includes other...

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How to create value in your business that your competitors canā€™t copy brand strategy customer experience marketing Dec 15, 2017

Ask most CEOs and they’ll tell you the number 1 risk to their business’ future is damage to their brand reputation. This is the actual result of a global survey run by risk management specialists, Aon (2017 Global Risk Management Survey).


Because, a...

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How to set up a simple marketing automation customer experience email marketing marketing Nov 12, 2017

Marketing automation is a literal game-changer for businesses of all sizes.


In the old days we used to generate leads and capture the details in a database. Then we constructed email campaigns to this list of leads.

If we were using email marketing software we could tell which emails had...

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Want a better response to your marketing emails? This is howā€¦. customer experience email marketing marketing Oct 14, 2017

Are you struggling to get people responding to your marketing emails?


You’re not alone, every day I must get 100+ emails across my various accounts and I certainly do not open all of them. (On a good day maybe 10% would get opened!). 

Even if people open your email – how...

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How to easily understand the Facebook algorithm and use it to your advantage customer experience facebook marketing social media Aug 24, 2017

Facebook. It’s both awesome and frustrating for business owners!

Do you wonder why some posts get more engagement than others? Do you spend hours analysing your stats, trying to crack the FB algorithm?

Well, the good news is you can save your time.

The simple secret to cracking the...

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Why defining your ideal customer is essential for a killer marketing strategy business strategy customer experience ideal customer marketing Jul 06, 2017
You’ve probably heard people talking about having an ideal customer, or creating a customer avatar.


You might even be wondering why you really need to have an ‘ideal’ customer since you’d be more than happy to sell to any living, breathing, two-legged mammal...

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How to grow your business without big marketing budgets business strategy customer experience marketing May 20, 2017

As a small business owner you’re probably facing the same dilemma as the rest of us: how to grow the business without a big budget to spend on marketing campaigns.

You’ve got limited budget available. You want to increase your customer base but you also know you should upgrade your...

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Why your brand reputation will deliver more profit than your marketing campaign brand strategy customer experience marketing May 12, 2017

How often do you buy something from a company you don’t know?

Probably not very often, right?

Unless you have been recommended to them.

Last week I opened my email and found 5 emails from the same person had come in overnight. Each of them with a different subject line but basically trying...

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