Story: Standing out from the crowd through differentiation ā€“ with Georgina Chai brand strategy business strategy marketing Mar 01, 2021
What makes someone stand out from the crowd – especially when you’re competing with up to 300 others?
Georgina, founder of Flourish Career and VA Services, has 15 years of experience in HR and recruitment behind her and shares with us her top tips when it comes to securing...
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Clubhouse: What Is It and How Do I Use It For My Business? brand strategy content marketing marketing social media Feb 01, 2021

As you’re probably already aware, the newest player in our digital world, Clubhouse, has sprung onto the scene and the internet chatter about it is snowballing, and so are the member numbers! 

But, is it just a short lived craze… and do I really need to be on yet ANOTHER...

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Story: How She Pivoted Her Business and Increased Revenue By 300% brand strategy business strategy ideal customer Mar 27, 2020

I’m thrilled to bring you this inspiring interview with self-confessed brand ‘nerd’ and founder of brand strategy consultancy A Brand Is Not A Logo, Melissa Packham.

Listen to hear Melissa tell us her story about how she relaunched her business after taking her...

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How to Build a Strong Brand That Attracts Your Ideal Customer Like Flies to Honey brand strategy ideal customer marketing May 14, 2019

No doubt you’d agree with me that great imagery is an key element of a strong brand. It’s all about making that instant connection with your audience.

On your website your photos have the power to make or break a visitor’s first impression of your business –...

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Understanding Brand Strategy Beyond Your Logo brand strategy marketing Aug 28, 2018

At least 90 percent of business owners* hire a graphic designer to create a logo, choose a font, some colours, and tick the box on branding. Done!

Right? Actually, no.

Some of the more savvy ones know that they need to be consistent in how they present their logo and do a great job of...

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How to create an amazing brand experience that your customers will love to talk about brand strategy customer experience marketing Jun 12, 2018

Small business owners, here’s your new game-changer: Brand experience.

Before I tell you how to get ahead of the pack and compete with much larger companies through brand experience, let me backtrack a bit and tell you why it’s so important.

In 2018,...

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Brand experience: The success strategy of todayā€™s high growth companies brand strategy business strategy customer experience marketing Feb 25, 2018

You’ve probably heard of customer experience. There is a growing trend among ambitious businesses to make sure their customer experience is first class.

It makes up a HUGE part of your brand experience, but brand experience is a broader whole-of-business strategy that includes other...

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How to create value in your business that your competitors canā€™t copy brand strategy customer experience marketing Dec 15, 2017

Ask most CEOs and they’ll tell you the number 1 risk to their business’ future is damage to their brand reputation. This is the actual result of a global survey run by risk management specialists, Aon (2017 Global Risk Management Survey).


Because, a...

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How to write a press release that gets published brand strategy marketing pr Sep 27, 2017

Have you tried to generate some press coverage for your business but found it hard to get your story picked up by the media?

It doesn’t mean your story wasn’t worthwhile, but your strategy was most likely lacking a few key ingredients.

While the media are always on the lookout for...

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Brand building success: How to choose a good brand name brand strategy marketing Aug 14, 2017

Choosing a brand name for your new business is usually the first thing you want to do; it’s fun and exciting to decide on a name, design a logo and give your idea its own identity!

But before you hit ‘submit’ on that business registration or go spending money on a logo design,...

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Why your brand reputation will deliver more profit than your marketing campaign brand strategy customer experience marketing May 12, 2017

How often do you buy something from a company you don’t know?

Probably not very often, right?

Unless you have been recommended to them.

Last week I opened my email and found 5 emails from the same person had come in overnight. Each of them with a different subject line but basically trying...

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